How Can We Help?
We currently show predictive and statistical data for the following weather conditions/perils. For NatCat perils other than wildfire, the risk shown is from the MetSwift Standard Statistical model. Wildfire risk is delivered through a predictive model:
- Continuous variables (risk calculated on a threshold basis where observations are >= or <= a user defined threshold)
- Temperature (minimum, mean, and maximum for daily, instantaneous for hourly)
- Wind (Maximum speed and maximum wind gust for daily, maximum speed for hourly)
- Rainfall (Daily, weekly, and monthly accumulations for daily, hourly accumulations for hourly)
- Snow (Maximum depth for daily and hourly)
- Discrete variables (observations are binary ‘observed’ or ‘unobserved’)
- Hail
- Fog
- Thunderstorm
- Dust Storm
- Categorical variables (risk calculated for pre-defined categories)
- Tropical Storm (Uses different categories depending on the country, categories are defined based on wind speeds, only storms that would be Tropical Storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale and above are included)
- Earthquake (Uses the moment magnitude scale, only magnitude 4 and above are included)
- Tornadoes (US only, uses the Enhanced Fujita scale, all categories are included)
- Other
- Wildfire (risk is a percentage chance of an active fire becoming a wildfire based on both atmospheric and geological variables)