- What are the Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 parameters for?
- What do the probabilities for Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 mean?
- What is ‘results type’ and ‘results display period’?
- I need to pull data for multiple locations, is this possible?
- How do I compare the predicted conditions vs the historical risk?
- ALR Weather Conditions and Perils
- What are the Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 parameters for?
- What do the probabilities for Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 mean?
- What is MetSwift Reports?
- I need to pull data for multiple locations, is this possible?
- What is available?
- I need to see the data in a different format, can you help?
- What is MetSwift Reports?
- I need to see the data in a different format, can you help?
- I need to pull data for multiple locations, is this possible?
- What is available?
- How does the subscription work?
- We don’t have any meteorologists in house, can you help?
- We already have meteorologists, do we really need MetSwift’s help?
- How does the subscription work?
- We don’t have any meteorologists in house, can you help?
- We already have meteorologists, do we really need MetSwift’s help?